
Conservation Practice Adoption Motivations

Census of Horticultre

The Conservation Practice Adoption Motivations Survey (CPAMS) is a joint project between the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) aimed at understanding why people choose to use or not use different conservation practices. There are four different conservation categories which are surveyed: crop practices, confined livestock practices, grazing practices, and forestry practices. Each category will have a questionnaire that has been designed to gather information specific to the practices involved in each category. Survey data will be used to guide the implementation of NRCS programs in the future.

Respond Online

Beginning July 2024, complete your grazing and forestry practices online. You will need the unique survey code that was mailed to you to sign in.

NASS is sending questionnaires for grazing practices and forestry practices in 2024. Crop practices and confined livestock practices questionnaires were sent in 2022.

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    What is the Conservation Practice Adoption Motivations Survey (CPAMS)?

    The Conservation Practice Adoption Motivations Survey (CPAMS) is a joint project between the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) aimed at understanding why people choose to use or not use different conservation practices. Data will be used to improve voluntary conservation programs. There are four different conservation categories being surveyed over several years: crop practices (2022), confined livestock practices (2022), grazing practices (2024), and forestry practices (2024). A unique questionnaire was designed to gather information specific to the practices involved in each category.

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    Why is it important to respond to the Conservation Practice Adoption Motivations Survey (CPAMS)?

    By responding to the Conservation Practice Adoption Motivations Survey (CPAMS), you can help shape the future of conservation and agriculture. Your input will help improve our voluntary conservation programs, including technical and financial assistance. With better data to help us understand how conservation fits into existing agriculture and forest management operations, program resources can be focused on where they will be most effective. By responding to this survey, you also help document the ongoing stewardship of America’s agricultural producers and forest land managers.

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    When is the Conservation Practice Adoption Motivations Survey (CPAMS)?

    From June to August 2024, NASS is conducting the Conservation Practice Adoption Motivations Survey (CPAMS) for grazing practices and forestry practices. CPAMS data highlights are planned for release in October 2024. CPAMS was first conducted in 2022 for crop practices and confined livestock practices. Highlights were released in October 2022.

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    Where can I find the Conservation Practice Adoption Motivations Survey (CPAMS) data?

    Conservation Practice Adoption Motivations Survey (CPAMS) data are available to the public on the Highlights page of the NASS website. Data are published in aggregate form and your personally identifiable information is confidential, protected by federal law. Additional reports based on the data are planned by NRCS.

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    How can I respond to the Conservation Practices Adoption Motivations Survey (CPAMS)?

    Respond to the Conservation Practices Adoption Motivations Survey (CPAMS) online at You will need your unique survey code, which was mailed to you in the pressure sealed envelope or questionnaire. Or complete the paper questionnaire and mail it back in the enclosed prepaid envelope. If you prefer to fax, please fax the completed questionnaire to 855-415-3687.

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    I need help with my Conservation Practices Adoption Motivations Survey (CPAMS). How do I get help?

    Call 888-424-7828, for help with your Conservation Practices Adoption Motivations Survey (CPAMS).

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    Why did I receive a Conservation Practice Adoption Motivations Survey (CPAMS) questionnaire?

    The 2024 Conservation Practice Adoption Motivations Survey (CPAMS) aims to survey people who own forest land or grazing land. The grazing sample of respondents was randomly selected from NASS records of operations that met the grazing land criteria. The forestry sample of respondents was determined by the USDA Forest Service area frame determination of wood or forest landowners.

Last Modified: 03/19/2025