CroplandCROS and Cropland Data Layer

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Announcement: The 2024 Cropland Data Layer released February 27, 2025. New for 2024, the CDL spatial resolution has been increased from 30-meter to 10-meter. The data is available on the CroplandCROS web app. A 30-meter resampled version is also available for download for consistency with historical CDL data.

Announcement: New CDL Viewer. The Agricultural Cropland Tracking and Interactive Visualization Environment (ACTIVE) is a web application based on Google Earth Engine. It is designed for the rapid visualization of USDA NASS Cropland Data Layers (CDL). Apart from crop acreage assessment, this app offers unique functions such as visualizing crop temporal entropy, specific crop types, and conducting crop-specific land cover change detection. Users can conduct crop type inquiries from both present and historical datasets and visualize crop phenology through time-series NDVI. Additionally, users can overlay near real-time earth observation data for field verification.


  • Boryan, C., Z. Yang, and P. Willis, “A Novel Method for Area Frame Stratification based on Geospatial Crop Planting Frequency Data Layers” Proc. of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015 IEEE International, Milan, Italy, July 26 – 31, 2015. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2015.7326706 Posted 6/13/16.
  • Johnson, D., (2015). The role of remote sensing for regional monitoring of U.S. crop condition and yield, Evaluation of drought and drought impacts through interdisciplinary methods. Global Change Research Centre AS CR, ISBN: 978-80-87902-12-7, pp. 47-53. DOI: Posted 11/19/15.
  • Johnson, D., R. Mueller, and P. Willis, (2015) The utility of the Cropland Data Layer for monitoring US grassland extent Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Conference on the Conservation of America's Grasslands. September 29-October 1, Fort Collins, CO. Washington, DC: National Wildlife Federation. Pages 15-19. Posted 07/08/2016.
  • Seffrin, R., (2015). From SAS® Data to Interactive Web Graphics Built Through PROC JSON, Southeast SAS Users Conference, Sept 27 - 29. Posted 11/18/15.

For questions and/or comments please contact the Geospatial Information Branch.

An independent CDL accuracy assessment performed by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Institute of Natural Resources Sustainability titled: Assessment and Potential of the 2007 USDA-NASS Cropland Data Layer for Statewide Annual Land Cover Applications

A CDL History White Paper: A brief history from 1971 to present

Last Modified: 03/25/2025